I'm a programmer and 3d artist! This website is where you'll find some of my current completed works. If some of the animation aren't loading thats because some browsers don't support avif files yet. (And you should switch to firefox.)
You can find me on tumblr at abyss-witch
All assets unless otherwise stated are made by me
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Chips & Chats is a game made in 30 days for the Sekret Santa 2023 event. Made using the Bevy game engine and Rust.
Snake, now in glorious 3d! Made in my own game engine, the Thin Engine
Game made for the Gothic Horror Game Jam
Ham Escape is a game I made with a friend for the GAMEHIDE jam.
Flappy Duck is a game programmed in C++ without a game engine using the SFML library.
Almost Late is a game made in 2 days for the frog^2 game jam using the Unity game engine.
An animation I made in blender featuring my own toon shaders.
Animation of a cheat gainer made in blender.
Made using maya during my Game design and 3d animation vet.
Spider-man animation.
Blast off!
The edgier Eggbug
The Deppresion Creature
Animated in blender. (The models and textures arent mine).
Paralax Mapping made using blenders shader graph. (Textures aren't mine.)
Fractal shader.
Toon shader with specular highligts made with blenders shader graph. Outline made using blenders composoting graph.
Shell rendered fur using unitys shader graph.
Deep blue pond water, red rocks rising up, its sediment bleeding out from red to purples.