Welcome to my Website!

I'm a programmer and 3d artist! This website is where you'll find some of my current completed works.

You can find me on cohost.org at https://cohost.org/abyss-witch

All assets unless otherwise stated are made by me



Pi in 0.00000034 seconds



Chips & Chats is a game made in 30 days for the Sekret Santa 2023 event. Programed in rust.


Ham Escape is a game I made with a friend for the GAMEHIDE jam.


Flappy Duck is a game programmed in C++ without a game engine using the SFML library.


Almost Late is a game made in 2 days for the frog^2 game jam using the Unity game engine.


A blender blending a blender that is formed into another blender.

An animation I made in blender featuring my own toon shaders.

A space ship flying through a thick atmosphere.


A man doing a specific back flip called a cheat gainer.

Animation of a cheat gainer made in blender.

A robot tilting its head back and forth.

Made using maya during my Game design and 3d animation vet.

A man swinging around like spider-man.

Spider-man animation.

A rocket speeding up.

Blast off!

2 knights fighting.

Animated in blender. (The models and textures arent mine).


A camera tilting around a rock that looks 3d.

Paralax Mapping made using blenders shader graph.

A web like fractal.

Fractal shader.

A light spinning around a toon shaded woman.

Toon shader with specular highligts made with blenders shader graph. Outline made using blenders composoting graph.

A fluffy ball.

Shell rendered fur using unitys shader graph.

Deep blue pond water, red rocks rising up, its sediment bleeding out from red to purples.